Local 3800 Online Store
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Local 3800 T-Shirts
Featured Product:

T Shirts
Local 3800 T-shirts are available for purchase now. CURRENTLY IN STOCK Colors Available are : Ash Gray / Black Sizes Available are : M / L / XL / XXL This is our first order and is limited on colors and sizes. More will be available next round as orders are processed. If your size or color is not available, please contact me directly, and I will place it in the Que for the next order. I expect our next order will be in November.

$15.00 Each | Buy It!

Our store is up and running! 

This is still a work in process and I expect there to be issues we will work out as we go. But for now, an order has been placed for T shirts and Stickers are available now also. 

Our inventory will increase as the need is presented. The plan is to order products every two months as needed. Our first order just covers the T Shirts and those are limited in color and sizes at this time. My next order is expected to be in November. The second order will get us more up and going in terms of what we are currently offering, and what products we will have on hand. From that point on, you would just go online and order and pay for your item. Some items may be out of stock or not processed yet. If that is the case, then your order will be processed in the next batch. You will be notified when it is in and where you may pick it up. 

So, to prepare us for the next order (which will establish our base line) please let your shop steward know, or contact me directly. I am currently tallying an order form for the following 

  1. Additional T shirts (Let me know what color, size, and quantity you would like) 
  2. Sweeat Shirts 
  3. Sweat Pants and/or shorts
  4. Hats? How many people are interested in a Local 3800 Hat ? Are you interested in a beni ?
  5. Jackets ? how many of you would be interested in a jacket?

These are baseline ideas. Let us know what you need. My contact number is 530 300-5213. Thanks everyone for your patience and support. 


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